The Green European Foundation, in cooperation with its national partners foundations Fundación EQUO, Fundació Nous Horitzons, Green Institute Greece, Green Economics Institute and the Federation of Young European Greens, has developed the platform “My Life According To Me”, which aims to give a voice to Migrants, Asylum Seekers and Refugees to counter the mainstream narrative in the European society. This narrative imagines Migration as a negative phenomenon, rather than an enriching one.
The platform will accommodate video submissions of max 4 minutes each from migrants, asylum seekers and refugees, who are willing to become the storytellers of their individual experiences. (Details about the rules and conditions for participation are published on The author(s) of the most prominent submissions will be awarded with a comprehensive educational course in film-making and photography. Deadline for submissions is Sunday, 15th of October.
We really appreciate your support with spreading the message across your networks!
For more information about the project and partners, please contact or (Raúl or Eva).